National Fund for Christian Science Nursing
The National Fund for Christian Science Nursing (NFCSN) is a benevolence fund that can assist Christian Science nursing patients in the United States who cannot pay the full cost of their care. Read more…
Caring for Christian Scientists
The "Caring for Christian Scientists" web portal provides two resources from The Principle Foundation for Christian Scientists. Read more...
Daystar, Inc. - Christian Science Nursing Facility in Davie, FL
“With its quiet, compassionate and loving atmosphere, Daystar is a haven where one can focus on spiritual rest, study and healing.” Read more…
Medicare for Christian Scientists
Click the link at the end of this paragraph to access the pamphlet “Medicare and its Provision for Religious Non-medical Health Care Institutions (RNHCI) for Christian Scientists." This link will lead you to a guide to your care options as a Christian Scientist using Medicare coverage. It contains new information and Medicare features for 2021. Read more…
Advance Directives
The purpose of this information paper is to explain some of the documents related to advance directives. There are a number of decisions you may want to make in advance for both the continuation of your financial and business affairs and how healthcare decisions will be made for you in the event that you become incapacitated for a period of time. Read more…
Christian Science Nursing, ChristianScience.com
“Christian Science nurses are available to help anyone relying on Christian Science for healing. They help individuals who need skillful physical assistance while relying on Christian Science treatment for healing.” Read more…
Association of Organizations for Christian Science Nursing (AOCSN)
“AOCSN fosters communication and mutual support among Christian Science nursing organizations by gathering and disseminating valuable information about Christian Science nursing standards. In addition, Christian Science nursing education, Christian Science nursing management, and organizational administration and governance. This is accomplished through teleconferences, focus meetings, e-tools such as this website, and annual conferences.” Read more…
Communities of Christian Caring (CoCC)
“We provide information, resources, awareness, mentoring and encouragement to individual Christian Scientists and groups who are comforting others within their own communities.” Read more …