Financial Assistance
There are several ways to receive assistance with the cost of Christian Science nursing care.
The National Fund for Christian Science Nursing
The National Fund for Christian Science Nursing (NFCSN) provides financial assistance to Christian Scientists in Florida receiving Christian Science treatment by a Journal-listed Christian Science practitioner and desiring care from a Christian Science nurse. They manage the application process for individual Christian Scientists seeking Christian Science nursing care.
Christian Scientists seeking financial assistance for Christian Science nursing care should contact the National Fund for Christian Science Nursing (NFCSN). The application process includes:
An online application (click on link above)
Submission of related documents – IRS Form 1040, Power of Attorney, if applicable
A brief phone interview conducted by The National Fund staff
The Travel Grant Fund for Christian Science Nurses
Wellsprings maintains a Benevolence Fund that specializes in specific financial support to the activities of Christian Science nursing. Florida has a very broad geography with Christian Scientists living in areas not served by nearby Christian Science nurses. We provide travel cost assistance to Christian Science nurses so that the cost to patients is essentially the fee for providing the care, thereby eliminating the burden of paying for long travel commutes.
Other Funds Available
Here are links to other funds that may be available for your situation.